Are you Branding yourself?


1. Uncover your brand
The first step when it comes to identifying how to brand yourself online is uncovering your brand. This is a key component to making sure that you are represented positively and accurately online.
Branding yourself is not an act or a show you put on for others. Your brand reflects who you are at your core. The qualities that define you as a person should shape your brand too. These attributes are unmistakable.
If I asked ten members of your family how they would describe you, they would likely describe you by using a few key words. Identifying the heart of who you are is key when undergoing the process of branding yourself appropriately.
To help you in this self-discovery phase, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
What are my biggest strengths?
What am I most passionate about?
What makes me unique?

2.  Establish a presence.

You’re being Googled by friends, colleagues, and potential customers, so make sure your branded content is what people find when they Google your name. One way to do this is to build a basic online presence through your own website or blog.
For example, you can purchase your full name as a domain name ( By developing either a static website or a blog under your domain name, you will own the first result for your name in Google and other search engines. This should be a separate site than your company’s website. After purchasing your domain name, add your picture, a bio, your email address, and links to the rest of your presence (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter). This way, people can get in touch with you in their medium of choice. Claim your name before someone else does. While search engines will pick up on your social media pages, having your own domain will produce a more finite result.

3. Build your platform.
Get out there and start building credibility and visibility consistently. Spread the message about what you do, who you work with and the impact you make. Methods include: in-person networking, writing blog posts of your own or contributing to others, doing interviews, creating social media posts and participating in speaking engagements at related industry conferences.
Lastly, always remember the golden rule of successful branding: be authentic. Think about the type of client or customer you would like to work with, simply share the benefits of what you do or sell, stand out with a style and story that’s unique to you, and build out a platform using your own ideas and expertise. Have fun and happy branding!


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Know your worth

This may come to a surprise to some people but it is super important to know your worth. What does self-worth mean to you? Here are few things to take a look at

People pleasing

Are you a people pleaser? Do you make sure everyone around you is happy at the cost of your own self-worth? This can have a dramatic affect on your own life and happiness.  It take a lot of energy to make everyone happy. This in turn drains you.  You become less happy yourself and are constantly worried and stressed out. In the long run it could affect your health and well being.  Most people that you are trying to make happy will never reciprocate so people pleasing is really a waste of time and energy.

What do people think of you?

Are you a person who constantly cares what others think of you. When you walk into a room do you think everyone is looking at you and judging you. This is a such a tiring way to live. Constantly worrying about how people view you as a person or what you say.  Let me shed some light here. I was one of those people.  I lived in constant fear of what people thought of me and believed that they judged me on every word I spoke. It was draining the life out of me.   I can tell you life became so much more fun when I stopped caring what others thought of me. They don’t pay my bills or live my life.  By just being your weird self you will attract the people in your life that truly appreciate you. Those are the people you want to surround yourself with.  People will always judge each other. In the big picture of life. Who cares! So just go out and have fun in life and stop worrying what others think.

Being Grateful

You may be asking. What do I have to be grateful for? Well their is probably a lot of things. Just sit down and write out a gratitude list. Keep it by your night stand and when you wake up each day read it before you get out of bed. This is a great way to start your day out. It puts your mind in a great place before the busy day starts. Do this consistently for a month and watch the change that happens.  You can always add to that list. So if your struggling with self worth I hope that I have given you something to think about.

These are just some thing I have implemented into my life over the years that have made a big difference.

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Don’t be afraid of being a beginner

We all start from the beginning when we want to start something new. I going to be talking about starting an online business here. So if that is something that interest you then keep reading.

First thing is that you do not have to be tech savy to start working online. I hear this all the time. I don’t know computers.  That’s just an excuse. It’s so easy to learn these days. If you are stuck on something just go to YouTube and search for it. There are walk throughs for just about anything from changing a flat tire to reconfiguring your computer. You will find it on YouTube.

Your not alone on the journey. Find a leader in the niche you want to be in and follow them on Facebook. Be willing to learn from them and implement what they are teaching. There are many great groups on Facebook that are willing to share what’s working and offer help to you. No charge! You just have to find them. Do a search on Facebook for what your looking for.

You also must be willing to invest in yourself. You cant start a business for free and be successful. So you must being willing to lay out some money. Maybe it’s to join the opportunity or buy inventory. Maybe purchase a program that will streamline your work. There is always an investment to make. If you don’t have the money, sell something. We all have a house full of stuff and I sure you can make a few bucks if you unload some stuff you have not used in over a year. So get your hustle on and hold a yard sale or list it p on Facebook marketplace.

Make you day productive

We all have the same 24 hours. Make some time to only focused on your new business. Weather it be waking up a little earlier or staying up later when the everyone else is asleep.  Or if you work fulltime, use your lunch hour to get some stuff done. If you want it bad enough you will find the time. Have a clear vision and plan for each day when you will be working on your business. Write it down and hold yourself accountable. This is where you will make your progress.

Always take time to help others along your way. Not only will it benefit them it will benefit you. It will put you in the leadership position and more people will want to work with you.  So in the end don’t be afraid of being a beginner. It puts you in the position to learn and build a great business from the ground up.

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Setting small goals will keep you motivated

Let’s get real for a minute. We all have aspirations for ourselves—whether it’s to win a million dollars, lose 100 pounds by our birthdays, run a marathon, win the Nobel Prize for something really cool, or be debt free.
We all have great aspirations, but there’s just one problem with them.
When people utter statements like the ones above, it’s usually with an “I want to…” kind of speech. However, the follow up to these grandiose ideas can be a little lacking. Why is that so?
Well, to put it simply, it’s because these aspirations are HUGE! Now, I’ll be the first to utter the montage, “Go big or go home,” but you also have to be realistic about your goals, or you’re never going to get there.
Or, worse yet, you’ll start on the path to this goal but get so defeated by the “lack of results” that you’ll give up halfway through; and this is worse because you give up when you don’t realize that you have already made SO MUCH PROGRESS.

How to set daily goals for yourself
This method is used by countless thousands around the world and for everyone who has tried it, the effects have been incredible:
Each morning, take a pen and a piece of paper and write down your 10 top goals. Don’t look at the day before, just think about what you want to most and write them down.
Remember to write them in the positive present tense and remember to set a deadline for each goal. Just like we did when setting your long term and short term goals. (For example you could set the goal “I make 10,000 dollars per month by the December 31 next year.”)
Do this for all 10 goals.
In the beginning, writing down 10 goals might be difficult. Each day, they might look a bit different and some of the goals you write never come back again.
If you forget a goal, it is because it wasn’t all that important and something more important has taken its place.
What difference does it make?
By starting your day setting your 10 top goals, you jump-start your creativity — which will motivate you for the rest of the day. You will have programmed yourself to focus on your goals and to move towards them and their completion.

What will happen to you?
If you do this, you will start to realize what is important to you. You’ll see what goals keep surfacing and what goals vanish.
You will know what you want and you will find yourself presented with opportunities that you haven’t noticed before.
You will be more creative in finding ideas and chances to make your dreams reality.
The bottom line
Having goals on a daily basis can change your life for the better. It will help you keep moving faster and faster towards your goals and dreams.
So now set your goals and make having daily goals your good habit:
Buy a notebook and a pen at your local bookstore.
Start writing down 10 goals every morning, without looking at the day before.
Take advantage of the opportunities that come your way and capitalize on them.

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What it takes to be an online marketer

Here are a few great tips to becoming a great online marketer

1.Set clear goals
Setting clear goals is the first step in every marketing endeavour. But, sadly, most marketers overlook it. Why? Because they think that the ultimate goal of every marketing campaign is to increase sales and revenue. And it is. Marketing is all about conversion but just looking at the end goal won’t take you anywhere. You need to break it down into smaller, actionable goals to achieve measurable results. For example, your goals can be
Acquiring more visitors
Increasing your email list
Retaining current customers
Whatever your goals may be, you need to be crystal clear about the actionable steps you need to take to accomplish them. Also, it’s very important to measure your goals. It’s not enough to simply set clear goals; one should also pick the correct metrics to measure the progress made towards achieving these goals.
2.Take an integrated approach in marketing channels
The customer journey is no longer linear. It’s spread across multiple channels and touch points. Marketers need to craft an omnichannel marketing experience. And, to achieve that, marketers need to adopt a single customer view approach instead of owning the data in silos. Access to a single customer view is the key to real-time marketing throughout the customer journey.
Pick the right marketing tools
The marketing landscape features marketing platforms with varied capabilities. It is imperative to pay special attention when picking marketing tools for your business; some will be mainly enterprise play and are very expensive, some will be tough to use and some won’t have a complete solution to meet your omnichannel needs seamlessly. The best method for picking the right one is to 1) Determine your budget 2) Pick a comprehensive solution that saves you both time and energy by serving multiple departments. For example, if you’re in an e-commerce business, implementing 7-10 tools with different capabilities is only going to cost you both time and money. You need a single, unified platform that can offer you all the tools like email marketing, onsite marketing, cart recovery solution, live chat, and SMS marketing so that there are no data silos within the business.
Tools can make or break your business; if you want to improve your marketing game, pay heed to them.
3. Pay special attention to your content and be strategic
“Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing.” — Rebecca Lieb
Content has always been the king and it still plays a crucial role in every marketing strategy. But in this age of hyper-personalization, creating good content isn’t enough; you have to create targeted content. Today, your customer has more choices and access to a lot of information, so it’s critical to create content that will engage your audience at every stage of the customer life cycle.
As a marketer, your purpose in creating content is to educate your audience and spread awareness about your product. So your content should be focused on helping them and moving them forward in their journey. Sending the right message to the right person at the right time can make all the difference when it comes to engagement and conversion.
4. Have patience
Online marketing isn’t a quick fix; it takes time. Don’t expect tremendous results in a short span of time. Stay realistic, create attainable and measurable goals and be patient. Remember, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Keep learning
The online world moves fast; the tactics and trends keep changing. The best practices and hacks that work today may not work tomorrow. That’s why it’s important to keep learning and stay updated. The best way to predict new trends and tactics is to read the latest marketing trend reports, dig into LinkedIn discussions, and listen to what experts within your industry are saying. Stagnancy will result in you being left behind.
Treat your customers as human beings
“Good marketers see consumers as complete human beings with all the dimensions real people have.” – Jonah Sachs
Last, but certainly not least, love your customers. Research shows that 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated. Treat your customer as a human being and not just as an email address. Marketers need to make money to justify their marketing budget. That’s why so many marketers only focus on increasing sales volumes. Change your outlook and start focusing on your customer. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, in the long run, a customer-oriented strategy results in higher returns than a sales-oriented strategy.
Today, marketing has risen above the noise. It’s all about targeted messaging and building relationships with your customers. Also, keep learning and keep optimizing your marketing tactics to deliver a pleasant experience with your brand.

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4 tips on connecting with new people on Facebook

When accepting and friend request, make sure you reach out to them immediately by PM. Look at there profile and find something you can start a conversation about. Make it about them. (that is super important)
This will jump start the FB algorithm and they will start seeing your posts. Just because you accepted someone’s friend request does not mean they will see your posts.
You need to take that action.
1. Message them. Start buiding that relationship.
2. Comment on their posts.
3. like their posts.
4. Use emoji’s and GIF’s it’s fun and FB likes them 👀😍💰💞😎💯🥇🔥
Consistent daily action is so important when it comes to marketing. This will develop trust and authority with your audience.

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If you don’t ask, you will never know

Most people I am connected with have an online business of some sort. What comes along with that is you have to sell.  Now a lot of people are not asking people to buy from them. You can’t just hope that you will  make sales you have to ask.

I know people don’t want to be pushing or sound salesy. I get it. There are ways to go about it that when you ask the right questions you not putting people on the spot.


Ask if they are open to taking a look at what you do.  If not no big deal. Then start up a conversation about them. Make them feel special. People always remember how you make them feel. Down the road they may come back to you an join or order from you.

It’s a numbers game. Not everyone is going to buy from you or join your business. But if your not asking anyone then no one will. So you need to get out and ask the questions. Keep at it until you get a Yes. A lot of people run their business of Facebook. That’s a great place to connect with people. Most have friends lists of hundreds if not thousands of people. Right there you have a list of potential customers.  Start going through your friends list one by one and reaching out to them and asking if they are open to taking a look at your business.


Build those relationships. I have people join my business not the first time I have reached out to them. Not the second but the third time. All along I was building a relationship with them. Asking them about their lives. Building trust. So you have to keep in contact with the people you prospect. Build the trust and let them see that you are doing the deal.  So utilize your friends list. Go through it one o by one and make contact with everyone. Ask them the question. “Are you open to taking a look”  you will get a yes or a no. Then move on.

Hope I brought you a little value today. You can connect with me on Facebook for more daily motivation here.

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5 types of posts you should be using on Facebook

  1. Tell a story

Story posts are very powerful and tend to get a lot of engagement. Make sure you use feeling in your story post. Describe how you feel or felt in the situation you are talking about. Maybe tell they your “Why”. Share with your audience your struggles. This will make you more relatable. Trust me it works. People will know , like and trust you more when you share your story.

2. Inspirational posts

Come up with something positive to post. Maybe a positive quote or a positive picture. Your timeline should be all about positivity. Those are the people you want to engage with. Share your successes, even the small ones. We all like to hear a good success story. Cheer on your teammates. Write a post on what milestone they achieved.  Build people up. That is the purpose of an inspirational post

3. Humor

Don’t be afraid to share some humor. People love to laugh. Maybe a funny picture of your self or a meme. I love seeing humor in peoples posts. You will stand out more when you incorporate humor on your profile. Most people are scared to show themselves in a vulnerable state. For instance. I made a post of myself making a real funny face and the title said. This is the face I make when I get a marriage proposal in messenger from a complete stranger. Funny right? Most importantly, be you. let the world see your funny side.

4. Teach

Share some tips on something that you know. It could be anything. A great recipe. Your back to school shopping tips. How to setup an auto responder. The list here is endless. Just start sharing some tips to your audience and watch the engagement you get. These are great post to use. When you learn the pain points of your audience you will be able to teach them the solution. This is where the real magic happens. You become an authority in that niche.

5. Questions

Ask questions.  When you ask a question you definitely will get engagement. You are soliciting and answer. So when someone responds make sure you engage with them. Don’t just leave them hanging.  Ex. Has anyone tried _____________ product? That is always a good one. So go ahead and post a question up and see what happens.

I hope I brought you some value today and gave you some new ideas on what to post to get more engagement. If you want to see what I’m up to connect with me on Facebook here.

I’m always available to help everyone. You don’t have to be in my business for me to help you. I want to see everyone succeed.

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Taking Action is Key


One of the biggest deterrents to success is the would’ve, could’ve and should’ves. One of my favorite quotes is, “Be careful, or you might end up should’ing all over yourself.”  The biggest differentiator between someone who enjoys a great deal of success, and those who simply wish for it, is taking massive action.

Have you ever felt like you know what to do; you’ve attended the motivational events, you’ve been on countless training calls, you know what your supposed to say, when you call a prospect. But, for some reason, when the rubber meets the road, you have a block, when it comes to getting the task done.

nothing happen until you move

I’ve felt this way many times in my life. I used to live in the world of health and fitness. We owned a small health club chain, where I spent most of my time personal training others to achieve their goals.  I spent almost a decade around fitness, nutrition, and being in the best shape of my life. More recently, however, I found myself struggling to get the job done. I know how what to eat. I know the exercise routines. But, it’s still been a constant battle, for me.

The good news is, if you are feeling demotivated, you can break the cycle. The secret is being well prepared, and knowing how to get yourself “unstuck”, when you find yourself in these situations.

Successful people ask the right questions, and as a result, they get the right answers. Let’s explore six powerful questions you can ask yourself to avoid should’ing  all over yourself.   

Attractive blond woman frustrated with her computer lying on a carpet in the living room

1. “What am I confused about?”

We naturally move away from things we don’t understand. We tend to avoid what we don’t know. The key to moving past this barrier, is to gather the appropriate knowledge needed, and then go do that activity over and over, until you gain more experience. Having the right knowledge will help you to feel more certain about what you need to accomplish. Experience leads to more competence. And competence is the key to having more confidence.

2. “What am I worried about?”

When we worry about something, our natural tendency is to avoid it, all together. Here is an example: “What if I look foolish if I try?” The mind immediately kicks in, as a protection mechanism  and says, “Let’s just avoid the possibility all together?” Let’s just avoid the misery and go shopping instead.;)

By first identifying what we are concerned about, we can begin to determine whether the threat is real. For example, you might be thinking, “What if someone tells me No?” Or, “What are they going to think about me if…..?”  Two very common fears holding people back from the success they desire.

Worry less Laugh more quote lettering. Calligraphy inspiration graphic design typography element. Hand written postcard. Cute simple vector sign.

By first acknowledging the fear, you can now begin to ask yourself a different series of questions. Such as, “What is the worst thing that happens if someone does tell me NO? Can I live with that? Who cares what people think about me? I can’t pay my bills with other people’s opinions. At the end of the day, what matters most, is whether or not I can provide for my family, and whether or not I achieve my goals. Some will. Some won’t. So what? Next!” #SWSWSWN. Sometimes, all it takes is giving yourself a little mental pep talk. This allows you to override the fears that are keeping you from taking action.

“If you find yourself saying ‘I can’t do something,’ but you know it in your heart of hearts, if you do it, you’re going to grow, you’re going to be a better person, it’s going to contribute to your family or to your kids or to something that matters, and you keep saying ‘I can’t do it,’ there is no question — you must do it. You don’t discuss it anymore. You just take immediate action… You do what’s necessary.” -Tony Robbins

3. “What happens if I don’t take action?”

This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask, because it allows you to weigh the odds between the alternatives, and then make a sound decision, on which consequence would be worse.

For example: let’s say you have an overwhelming fear of what people are going to think of you, if you invite them to look at your business. That means you are suffering from what many refer to as, “Paralysis from analysis.” By asking the question, “What if I don’t take action?” and then listing all the consequences. I.e. “I won’t achieve my goal.” “I will feel like a failure.” “I will be stuck in this dead end career.” “I won’t have any money for retirement.” “I will be letting my family down.” “I won’t be able to take the family on vacation like I promised.” Etc. It puts things in the right perspective.

4.What habits can I change?”

Does this sound familiar: you sit down and say, “I’m going to make some phone calls.” But first you go through your little routine; you get your drink ready, you check your emails, log on Facebook to update your status, check the news feeds to see what everyone else is up to, etc. Finally, you pull out your name list, that you could potentially call, get a little bit nervous, and then you get distracted by some other task that keeps you “busy.” That’s a bad habit.

Wooden signpost with two opposite arrows over clear blue sky, Old Habits versus Change messages, Lifestyle change conceptual image

Tony Robbins talks a lot about changing patterns. He says, “To break a limiting or destructive habit pattern, you can use a pattern interrupt.” A pattern interrupt is anything sudden and unexpected you do that totally defies the pattern and therefore breaks you out of it.  Take a moment right now to think up your own enjoyable ways to break your limiting patterns and write down at least five of them. It can be anything to throw the pattern off. Something physical – such as a gesture, touch or a change in physiology – or something in your mind, such as a phrase in your mind’s ear, or a visualization in your mind’s eye.

The next time you become aware that you are in – or are about to start a limiting pattern, use one of these “interrupts” to stop it and to give yourself a choice in how to respond, instead of just reacting habitually. Each time you interrupt a pattern, it will become harder to get back into it. Eventually, if you interrupt it enough times, you will not automatically get into it anymore. What makes pattern interrupts even more powerful is that they themselves become habitual, after you have used them for a while, so they will automatically interrupt your negative patterns whenever they occur.

What you have to do, at this point in time, is break the routine that is adversely affecting your productivity. You have to do something entirely different to break the routine and rekindle your motivation.

Dream big, cute inspirational typographic quote poster, vector illustration

5.How will things improve if I choose to ACT NOW?”

It’s vital to have a crystal clear picture of what you want most in life.  In other words, get real clear on the payoff. You wouldn’t wake up in the morning and just start driving, without knowing where you’re heading. Why would you live your life that way? Think about why professional athletes spend tens of thousands of hours in practice on the field? They do it for the thrill of victory, during the big game. The chance at winning a championship, and overall sense of accomplishment, is worth the sacrifice. They constantly visualize what it will feel like when they achieve victory. It’s one of the reasons reporters ask Olympic Athletes, “Was standing on that podium everything you imagined.” The reality is the elite performer spends much of their life visualizing what it will feel like, when they do WIN!

By defining what it is we want, vividly, we begin to see a road map that will take us there. This includes the day to day, mundane activities, that will lead us to the promised land. I am a big fan of making a dream board. I am also a fan of making itemized written lists of HOW your life will improve, if you take action. The next time you are struggling to act, you can pull out the list and visualize what it will feel like to bring home the gold! 😉 

From there it’s simply a matter of decision….

6. “How bad do I want it?”

I’m going to tell you a little story. It’s about a man who wanted to know the secret of success, and decided to find out from a Guru. Now this was a wise, old sage who knew every secret of Life. He lived in splendid isolation on a mountain-top. Our hero set out on his difficult journey to meet this wise man. He was determined to reach the top, and so he got over many obstacles on his way. Fighting through thick forests, scaling huge boulders, escaping from wild beasts, at last he clambered to the peak and lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

A few minutes later, he sat up… and beheld the Guru seated in deep meditation. Silently, he waited. Almost an hour later, the Guru opened his eyes and glanced at the man. He raised an inquiring eyebrow. The man stammered, “Oh wise and all-knowing seer, I come to you in search of the secret of success.” The Guru didn’t reply. He simply stood up and started walking down the hill.

The man followed. He found it difficult to keep pace with the old man, who seemed to skip from one rock to the other like a mountain-goat. They walked steadily for another hour, and he wondered if they were going back to the foothills. Suddenly, they came upon a clearing. In the middle was a clear lake. The waters were still, glinting softly in the rays of a setting sun.The Guru walked up to the edge of the lake and beckoned the man closer. With a gesture, he asked him to kneel down. Unquestioningly, the man did as the Guru ordered.

Suddenly, he felt himself seized by a strong hand at the back of his neck. His head was forced down under the water, and held there firmly. “This is some kind of test,” said the man to himself, as he sat still. A minute passed, and he was growing breathless. The grip on his neck hadn’t weakened. Another minute crawled by, and now he was getting anxious. His heart beat heavily in his chest, his throat tightened, and his lungs screamed for air.

He struggled to arise, and the old man’s grip became even stronger, pressed him further down into the water. Now, the man was in a panic. He thrashed around wildly, trying with all his energy to loosen the vise around his neck. Precious seconds passed, and he felt his strength slowly ebbing away. He thought he was going to die! Just as he was about to give up hope, rueing his folly in ever coming here, the hand on his collar let go.

Violently leaping onto the shore, the man drew in his breath in heaving gasps. Delicious oxygen flooded his lungs. His vision grew clearer, the hammering in his throat slowed down, his hands stopped trembling. And he felt a deep anger welling up from within himself. Standing up, he faced the Guru and screamed: “Are you CRAZY? You could have killed me!” The Guru simply stared at him for a long moment. Then he spoke for the first time. “You wanted to know the secret of success. Here it is. Do you remember, just a few minutes ago, how badly you wanted to take that next breath of air? When you want success that badly, you will have it. That’s the secret of success.” Without saying another word, he turned around and walked back to his hilltop abode.

bad as you can breathe

The graveyard is full of good intentions. If we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently, that matters most!

In the spirit of success,

Will Blohm

“Digital Dad”

Ps. If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy our recent training: “Story telling Marketing” located inside the Entrepreneur Life **FREE** Video Coaching Library. Click the link below for some Free training

Adam Levine just got “served”

Adam Levine just got “served”…Did you see it?

If you caught the season opener of “The Voice” last night, you witnessed a variety of talented performers, from many different genres. Of course, you also got a taste of the the typical banter that goes back and forth between the four judges. However, if you paid very close attention, you also witnessed the perfect display of “servant” based sales, verses the typical sales “closer” mentality.

Which do you think did better?

First, allow me to give a brief overview for those who don’t watch the show. ”The Voice” can be thought of as one show with two competitions going on at the same time. On one hand, the contestants are in competition with each other to win a recording contract. The judges are competing for the rights to coach each contestant, with the ultimate goal of winning bragging rights of having their student win the overall competition.

On more than one occasion the battle for the contestants came down to Maroon Five singer, Adam Levine, verses R&B legend, Alecia Keys. Adam has more of a typical sales closer mentality. If you pay close attention to what he says, it’s always about him. “I’ve won the show 3 times.”, “I need you on my team”, “You remind me of me”, etc.

Alecia has a much more effective approach. She always starts by asking questions. “How did you learn to sing like that?” “What style of music do you see yourself doing?” etc. Then she moves on to selling the dream. “Imagine you and I sitting at the piano, exploring different sounds, bouncing things off one another and seeing what works best for you.”

The greatest salesman, (and woman) understand it’s not about selling features and benefits. And it’s certainly not about “me, me, me.” Someone who is constantly tooting their own horn, usually, honks so loud they forget to do the most important part of the sales process of all, LISTEN!

Eventually, Alecia ended up with the talent that she wanted. By asking the right questions, she was able to convey her sincere interest in helping them get what they want. It also helped establish trust and build that true heart connection. By painting a vivid picture of her vision, the singers were able to pictures themselves learning, and growing in that environment. And that all reinforced what it is they want most, which is to win!

While Adam spent most of his time delivering a sales pitch, Alecia perfectly positioned herself as a resource. She built value in her coaching ability by asking questions, listening and selling the dream.

The true spirit of sales is serving, not closing. Looks like Adam could use some personal coaching in this area.😉

In the spirit of success,

Will Blohm


Be a Resource