If you don’t ask, you will never know

Most people I am connected with have an online business of some sort. What comes along with that is you have to sell.  Now a lot of people are not asking people to buy from them. You can’t just hope that you will  make sales you have to ask.

I know people don’t want to be pushing or sound salesy. I get it. There are ways to go about it that when you ask the right questions you not putting people on the spot.


Ask if they are open to taking a look at what you do.  If not no big deal. Then start up a conversation about them. Make them feel special. People always remember how you make them feel. Down the road they may come back to you an join or order from you.

It’s a numbers game. Not everyone is going to buy from you or join your business. But if your not asking anyone then no one will. So you need to get out and ask the questions. Keep at it until you get a Yes. A lot of people run their business of Facebook. That’s a great place to connect with people. Most have friends lists of hundreds if not thousands of people. Right there you have a list of potential customers.  Start going through your friends list one by one and reaching out to them and asking if they are open to taking a look at your business.


Build those relationships. I have people join my business not the first time I have reached out to them. Not the second but the third time. All along I was building a relationship with them. Asking them about their lives. Building trust. So you have to keep in contact with the people you prospect. Build the trust and let them see that you are doing the deal.  So utilize your friends list. Go through it one o by one and make contact with everyone. Ask them the question. “Are you open to taking a look”  you will get a yes or a no. Then move on.

Hope I brought you a little value today. You can connect with me on Facebook for more daily motivation here. https://www.facebook.com/will.blohm.3

If your open to taking a look at my amazing biz you can do that here www.joinwithwill.com 

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